Tuesday, December 13, 2011

If this looks intimidating to those of you who don't read much, there's a Too Long; Didn't Read (TL;DR) at the bottom.

Edit: For those of you just joining us, please notice the date this was posted. I posted it the day before, so that means this wasn't your fault.

As you all know, Time Travelers Perspective is a unique perspective on things. Often the normal perspective of more linear oriented minds can seem worlds apart from TTP, especially to those heavily set on this linear thought process.

But there are some times when there is an unusual bridge across this gap, and sometimes this involves strong emotions and beliefs, and sometimes it's just common sense (I mean, Time Travelers aren't complete wackos).

The specific example today is love, and more exactly, dating. IT SUCKS! I would love to be able to say that all girls are COMPLETE DEMONS, but that's not true, lots are actually very great, and guys are kind of demons too... but oh well...

I understand the importance of dating around to find the partner for you, but there's unnecessary drama involved, ALWAYS. Because the thing is, I'm sure you could avoid all drama if you isolated yourself. Self control wouldn't be all too hard. But think about that... dating that only involves you... there's a psychological disorder that would fit that.

Having the dream of your life stolen away from you by your friend, or a friend spreads a rumor that causes your break-up, you fulfill all the requirements your sweetheart has set and on your "two year vacation" (*cough) she leaves for someone else. The list can go on, and if you haven't had something sad happen to you in your dating (or "pre-dating" life) then I invite you to please wake up Mr. Cobb, it's time to go home to reality. You have.

And now it's time for a personal vent moment (I know right! what about that^^^? That's where I'm coming from)
Where are you Amanda? Can we just meet up right now? I'm tired. I'm ready to be done. You're the only girl I know that plays Halo, that doesn't mind dresses and skirts, that'll  be impressed with my Honda Civic even though it takes thirteen seconds to get to 60mph, you beg me to play my music, and you send me a "good morning :)" text every morning and sometimes at night, you give me ninja hugs everytime you see me and you blush when I show my affection. I hold you in my arms and tickle you and you curl up and laugh. You make me smile and you give me that look every once in a while that only a woman in love can do.

TL;DR- I'm really frustrated, exhausted, and ready to be done with the dating game.

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